Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Welcome Back Students!!

As I mentioned in my last post, December is a fun time of the year.  January can be as much fun, but without all the presents.  As a child, I loved January because after school I would go to the local park to play hockey with neighborhood friends.  The weather was consistently below freezing, so the ice was always good and slick.  I don't know how long I played, but I spent a lot of time at either Longfellow Park or Brackett Field.  Both had lights, so we could play until late if we wanted to.  The best temperature for skating was about 20 degrees.  I remember the coldest day I every played.  It was a Saturday morning and it was clear.  It was 20 degrees below zero.  When I played hockey, I was always moving.  But, at 20 degrees below zero, my toes never warmed up.  Have you ever experienced your toes being so cold that when you warmed them up, they would itch "like crazy?"  Yes, those were the days - January - a great month.

As for us here at Lorena Elementary School, we have much to look forward to:

  1. I'll be driving our 4th graders to Austin on our first ever field trip to the Bob Bullock Museum on January 6th.  I'm looking forward to it.  
  2. Our 2nd Box Top Contest begins on January 9th
  3. Our Awards Assemblies will be in the PAC on January 13th
    1. 3rd Grade @ 8:30
    2. 4th Grade @ 9:30
    3. 5th Grade @ 10:30
  4. Beat the Facts begins this month.  We encourage all of you to help your child learn his/her math facts.  The contest begins the week of January 23rd.  I'll have more details going home in the near future.
I have been communicating to parents weekly via email about things that are going on.  If you have not been receiving these weekly emails and you're a parent/guardian and would like to receive them, let me know.  My email address is 

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