Thursday, August 7, 2014

Changes for 2014-2015

We are excited about the new year that is just around the corner.  In order to prepare for the new school year, I want to inform you of a couple changes.  

DRESS CODE CHANGE:  First, we are altering our dress code.  The following has been added to our handbook.  The bolded italics are what we are adding:

ELEMENTARY:  Students may wear shorts.  Shorts should be conservative and modest in appearance.  The length must not be higher than the length of the fingertips when the arms are held at full length at the sides.  If the shorts are too short, the child will be told not to wear them again.  If the child continues to wear shorts that are too short, the parent will be notified and appropriate actions will be taken.  Skin tight clothing is not appropriate as an outer garment (i.e., biker shorts, leotards, tights).  Baggy/sagging clothing is not allowed.

AFTERNOON PICK-UP LINE:  Our afternoon parent pick-up during dismissal will be changed because of the configuration of our front entrance.  Students who will be picked up will sit in the gym rather than in the front of the building.  Our pick-up line will begin at the front of the gym.  Red squares will be painted on the sidewalk to designate where the child will stand to be picked up.  Six pick-up spots will be in place.  Students will wait in the gym until their name is called and then will proceed to the designated pick-up spot.  Parents, we hope this provides a quick and efficient way for you to pick up your child in the afternoon.  Also parents, because of all the construction and potential congestion, it is strongly advised to pick your child up in the line this year, rather than walking up to find your child.  I appreciate your cooperation on this.  Bus dismissal will stay the same as in past years.

CHECKING IN:  Because of the changes to our entry area, checking in for lunch and other times will be different.  Please be patient with the new procedures for checking in.  

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